
The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type License
net.sourceforge.czt parser-z 1.6-SNAPSHOT jar GPL
net.sourceforge.czt rules 1.6-SNAPSHOT jar GPL


The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type License
junit junit 4.5 jar Common Public License Version 1.0 modeljunit 2.5 jar GPL Version 3.0

Project Transitive Dependencies

The following is a list of transitive dependencies for this project. Transitive dependencies are the dependencies of the project dependencies.


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type License
commons-cli commons-cli 1.2 jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
net.sourceforge.czt corejava-z 1.6-SNAPSHOT jar GPL
net.sourceforge.czt corejava-zpatt 1.6-SNAPSHOT jar GPL
net.sourceforge.czt parser-zpatt 1.6-SNAPSHOT jar GPL
net.sourceforge.czt session 1.6-SNAPSHOT jar GPL
net.sourceforge.czt typechecker-z 1.6-SNAPSHOT jar GPL
net.sourceforge.czt util 1.6-SNAPSHOT jar GPL java-cup-runtime 0.11-a-czt01-SNAPSHOT jar CUP License (MIT License)


The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Classifier Type License
asm asm 3.1 - jar -
colt colt 1.2.0 - jar -
concurrent concurrent 1.3.4 - jar >
net.sf.jung jung-algorithms 2.0.1 - jar The BSD License
net.sf.jung jung-api 2.0.1 - jar The BSD License
net.sf.jung jung-graph-impl 2.0.1 - jar The BSD License
net.sf.jung jung-io 2.0.1 - jar The BSD License
net.sf.jung jung-jai 2.0.1 - jar The BSD License
net.sf.jung jung-visualization 2.0.1 - jar The BSD License
net.sourceforge.collections collections-generic 4.01 - jar Apache License V2.0
org.codehaus.woodstox wstx-asl 3.2.6 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.uispec4j uispec4j 2.4 jdk16 jar Common Public License
stax stax-api 1.0.1 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0

Project Dependency Graph

Dependency Tree


GPL: CZT Corejava Z, CZT Corejava Z Pattern, CZT Parser Z, CZT Parser Z Pattern, CZT Rules, CZT Session, CZT Typechecker Z, CZT Util

Public domain, Sun Microsoystems: Dough Lea's util.concurrent package

Unknown: ASM Core, colt, zlive

The BSD License: jung-algorithms, jung-api, jung-graph-impl, jung-io, jung-jai, jung-visualization

GPL Version 3.0: ModelJUnit

Apache License V2.0: larvalabs collections

The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: Commons CLI, StAX API, Woodstox

CUP License (MIT License): Java CUP Runtime

Common Public License: uispec4j

Common Public License Version 1.0: JUnit

Dependency File Details

Total Size Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information
Filename Size Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information
asm-3.1.jar 43.03 kB 24 23 2 1.2 No
colt-1.2.0.jar 581.95 kB 623 593 24 1.2 No
commons-cli-1.2.jar 41.12 kB 35 22 1 1.4 Yes
concurrent-1.3.4.jar 189.28 kB 230 221 2 1.1 No
junit-4.5.jar 198.95 kB 222 188 26 1.5 Yes
jung-algorithms-2.0.1.jar 233.11 kB 166 138 16 1.5 Yes
jung-api-2.0.1.jar 40.97 kB 52 38 3 1.5 Yes
jung-graph-impl-2.0.1.jar 62.33 kB 44 31 2 1.5 Yes
jung-io-2.0.1.jar 79.37 kB 65 51 3 1.5 Yes
jung-jai-2.0.1.jar 20.44 kB 23 10 1 1.5 Yes
jung-visualization-2.0.1.jar 324.40 kB 243 221 11 1.5 Yes
collections-generic-4.01.jar 531.56 kB 406 386 13 1.5 Yes
corejava-z-1.6-SNAPSHOT.jar 663.81 kB 649 574 8 1.6 Yes
corejava-zpatt-1.6-SNAPSHOT.jar 165.34 kB 177 142 6 1.6 Yes
parser-z-1.6-SNAPSHOT.jar 543.09 kB 197 162 5 1.6 Yes
parser-zpatt-1.6-SNAPSHOT.jar 225.94 kB 59 42 2 1.6 Yes
rules-1.6-SNAPSHOT.jar 144.92 kB 119 84 8 1.6 Yes
session-1.6-SNAPSHOT.jar 52.13 kB 47 26 1 1.6 Yes
typechecker-z-1.6-SNAPSHOT.jar 167.55 kB 72 57 3 1.6 Yes
util-1.6-SNAPSHOT.jar 53.48 kB 61 43 7 1.6 Yes
java-cup-runtime-0.11-a-czt01-SNAPSHOT.jar 16.03 kB 18 9 1 1.6 Yes
modeljunit-2.5.jar 509.47 kB 378 325 17 1.6 Yes
wstx-asl-3.2.6.jar 520.39 kB 261 251 20 1.2 Yes
uispec4j-2.4-jdk16.jar 421.56 kB 443 424 11 1.5 Yes
stax-api-1.0.1.jar 26.51 kB 48 40 5 1.2 Yes
25 5.86 MB 4662 4101 198 1.6 22
compile: 10 compile: 2.07 MB compile: 1434 compile: 1161 compile: 42 - compile: 10
test: 15 test: 3.78 MB test: 3228 test: 2940 test: 156 - test: 12

Dependency Repository Locations

Repo ID URL Release Snapshot Blacklisted
central Yes No No
sonatype-nexus-snapshots No Yes No
apache.snapshots No Yes Yes

Repository locations for each of the Dependencies.

Total central sonatype-nexus-snapshots
Artifact central sonatype-nexus-snapshots
asm:asm:jar:3.1 -
colt:colt:jar:1.2.0 -
commons-cli:commons-cli:jar:1.2 -
concurrent:concurrent:jar:1.3.4 -
junit:junit:jar:4.5 -
net.sf.jung:jung-algorithms:jar:2.0.1 -
net.sf.jung:jung-api:jar:2.0.1 -
net.sf.jung:jung-graph-impl:jar:2.0.1 -
net.sf.jung:jung-io:jar:2.0.1 -
net.sf.jung:jung-jai:jar:2.0.1 -
net.sf.jung:jung-visualization:jar:2.0.1 -
net.sourceforge.collections:collections-generic:jar:4.01 -
net.sourceforge.czt:corejava-z:jar:1.6-SNAPSHOT - -
net.sourceforge.czt:corejava-zpatt:jar:1.6-SNAPSHOT - -
net.sourceforge.czt:parser-z:jar:1.6-SNAPSHOT - -
net.sourceforge.czt:parser-zpatt:jar:1.6-SNAPSHOT - -
net.sourceforge.czt:rules:jar:1.6-SNAPSHOT - -
net.sourceforge.czt:session:jar:1.6-SNAPSHOT - -
net.sourceforge.czt:typechecker-z:jar:1.6-SNAPSHOT - -
net.sourceforge.czt:util:jar:1.6-SNAPSHOT - - - - -
org.codehaus.woodstox:wstx-asl:jar:3.2.6 -
org.uispec4j:uispec4j:jar:jdk16:2.4 -
stax:stax-api:jar:1.0.1 -
25 (compile: 10, test: 15) 16 0

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Version: 1.6-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2016-04-09.

Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.